Warning, I am definately-always have been and always will be-a team EDWARD person!
Ok, so I didn't like the first movie all too much. I was not impressed. (yes I know they had a small budget, but still.) This second movie blows it out of the water!
Oh my, loved it! Still have the happy butterflies feeling. I seriously drooled over Edward! Jacob was hot, but still he's not the same! Edward is just soooooo romantic. He's a perfect impossibility. (Mr. Darcy's replacement.)
They did a really goo job at not making this the annoying movie I anticipated. (The book still annoys me!) The screaming people in the audience don't help, but it wasn't too bad. (Right before Jacob takes off his shirt for the first time, this guy in the audience yelled "Wooo!" It was a perfect breaker from all the drooling teenagers.)
I loved the effects in this movies. My hat's off to whomever did the werewolves! They were freaking amazing! No wimpy wolves here, uhn uh! They made me cower a bit. (Especially when one of them looks strait into the camera and growls. Shackles rising! Creepy goodness!)
If you really want the low down on this movie, read Nicole's blog.
-To the critics- Shove off, this movie made bank its first weekend! Suck on that! :p