Well al lot has happened in the past two-ish months. I really slacked off in writing, my bad.
So in a nut sheel here's what has happened recently:
-I graduated from USU!!!
-I lost my glasses at graduation. :(
-I got to watch my nephews open their Christmas presents, I realized how spoiled the little brats truly are at this time. (I still love them, but that doesn't change the fact that they're brats!)
-I moved to Fruit Heights with the Allred family. (BLESS THEIR WONDERFUL HEARTS!!)
-I changed singles wards because of the move. Oddly enough, the smaller ward I'm in now actually has more guys than girls! I might actually have a chance here! ;)
-I started working full time again at IHG. (The long hours are killing me!)
-I also started playing volleyball every week and I'm loving it. (I am the worst player there, but it's fun!)
So, um yeah. That's my update. I must say that I am living a much happier life now. I realize that I had been getting more and more depressed and lonely living at my sister's home. Ironic. It's great to be living with people like me. Same values and interests. Acceptance. It's a good feeling.
No, I don't have any idea of where i would be getting a teaching job, so please, please do not ask! I've been hounded about this by several people and it's none of their business! I'll figure it out. Really I will, but I need to be able to do it on my own people!
If you happen to be one of those people, shame on you! JK. I know you're just concerned about me, but it's ok. Things are how they are right now and that's good enough for me. I need time to figure my life out at the moment. I just need to think.