Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sun Burned + Hat = OK Day

Today I spent roughly two hours of my time driving around the Pineview Reservoir looking for a young adult activity. Granted I was with my friend Rynda, so it was still an enjoyable experience. We even made fun of ourselves at one point. (Rynda and I get on swimmingly, and wished we could find the group to do just that!) Did you know that they charge ten dollars just to park at Pineview? Five seems adequate, right? It just seemed so steep of a price to park your car. Luckily the rangers at the toll booths were nice and let us drive around the lots looking for our group without paying. (Though we were given a time limit at one of the sites.) We eventually just gave up. Coming out of the small valley with little more than a sunburn. (I'm not used to being on the passenger side!) So we opted to go see Iron Man 2 instead. Decent movie really.

Another good thing that happened because of this trip was the finding of a decent hat! Granted I do not own the hat, as it belongs to my friend Rynda, but it exists! I have hope! There are hats out there big enough to cover all my hair and head! (I have a big head.) (And no, I don't mean the opinion of myself/ego.) A friend of hers made it for her. I was allowed to take it home to show my Allred mom. She's a crochet wiz and who knows maybe she'll help me make one. (or if she tires of my impatience she'll make one for me, but I'd like to try.) Rynda says she'd pay to have a few more like hers in more colors. 

Journal vs Blog

I've been trying to finally finish my journal. Thus being said, I've once again ignored my blog! Oh, so difficult, do I blog or go old fashioned and write in my journal? 

There are undoubtedly fans for both sides. I actually do lean towards blogging just for the fact that there is a spell check feature and I can choose the ink color without buying a new pen! But at the same time, I really like adding plane tickets and movie stubs to my journal page. This is not so easy of a task with blogs. You have to scan it in then save it where you can find it on the computer, finally you must upload it to the internet and hope that the file size fits or you'll have to adjust that too! *whew* so much just tot add the plane ticket or picture that proves you really were there!

Either way, I find it hard to keep up on such things. I'm always missing days then trying hopelessly to make up for it by adding multiple blogs at once!