So, I moved into my apartment for school about a month ago. I thought everything was going to be a walk in the park. (boy was I wrong!)
Two words to describe my anguish: roommate drama. Bleh! No thank you! So, here's the skinny.
Roommate #1 had a guy friend come over on Thursday night. (I wasn't there that weekend and had left a few hours previous.) Problem? Not usually, except the fact that it was just past midnight.
Roommate #2 is kinda freaked by having some stranger over that late at night. So she does what any normal roommate would do and asks R#1 who the fellow is and why he's there. Tells her she's not comfortable having guys in the apartment at that time of night.
R#1 over reacts and says fine, he's leaving don't worry about it.
Saturday morning, R#1 doesn't clean out the shower after using it (a common annoying occurance.)
R#2 waits for her to come home around lunchtime and asks her to clean it up.
R#1 freaks out about it. She says that she's not the only one with blonde hair in the apartment. It's isn't always her that leaves the mess in the shower. (Side note. I am the only other person with blond hair in the apartment, however she has platinum blond and mine is a darker blond. So it's obviously her hair in the shower! Gross.) Says she'll clean it up this time. The goes on to say how rude it was of R#2 to make her friend leave on Thursday. They were just watching a movie! R#1 writes an email to the landlord saying how R#2 is bossing her around and not allowing her friends to come to the apartment.
Sunday Afternoon, I come home from a nice weekend away. R#2 pulls me out of the apartment to tell me her side of the story (she still doesn't know about R#1's email.) She swears up and down that she's telling the truth about everything....blah blah blah. Tells me about Thursday and Saturday.
Sunday evening, R#1 tells me her side of the story. She's completely emotional and clearly not mentioning everything. She tells me that R#2 yelled at her on Saturday. (R#2 is a very quiet docile person, i find this hard to believe. Plus the fact that she tried to blame me for the shower, not believable.) She tells me about the email she sent. I tell her to calm down a bit and we figure out that everyone should be free to talk things out on Wednesday.
Monday afternoon, R#2 is upset. Our landlord called and told her to stop bossing people. That she can't decide who we bring over to the apt, etc. (they believe the email.) She's upset because she has lived here for 6 yrs and has a good relationship with the landlord and now they don't believe her side of the story. Her mother - who is living with us, argh- is also upset. (though they claim to not be playing any pity games.
Monday evening. R#1 calls me and asks if I'm at home. (yes) She says she's afraid to come in because R#2 and mom are eating dinner. I say it should be ok. just come in and don't talk to them.
R#2 flips out as soon as she comes in. Saying oh, you're home I guess i have to go eat in my room since i'm making you uncomfortable. (she's saying this all clearly enough that i can hear it at the end of the hall, door shut, music playing.) I come out and ask what the problem is. She apologizes to me and is in the process of moving her things on the table. She complains to me again and says that they are so upset her mother has a fever! (pity? what? Uh huh. whatever)
And thus it has progressed so far. Both sides trying to drag me to their side. Both sides way too emotional about this. I just pray I can make it til Wednesday!