Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rant about work...sorry.

So, I work in the billing and video troubleshooting dept for Comcast. Today I had some really awesome people call in. So here's the skinny. If one channel, and only one channel, goes out then it is NOT Comcast's fault. It's the network provider who is having the issue.
Tonight there was some stupid football game in the Seattle area and the high definition channel went out in the 4th quarter. Yeah, I understand, it's the most tense part of the game. But the standard definition channel was working just fine. We had way too many people call in and yell at us because they couldn't watch it in their precious hd. Well guess what mister, it just goes to show how pointless your life is if a stupid football game gives you just cause to yell at someone else. It's just a game! Get over it! Watch it on SD! It won't kill you.
Why do we let these jar-heads make fun of us for being "obsessive" over a good book every now and then? We don't call people up and yell at them if the author does something to a character that we don't like. Hello, pointless.
Okak, I'm done now.

Monday, November 7, 2011

5 Weeks til Finals! Is That a Good Thing?

Okay, so I'm guilty of counting down til the end of the semester. I have a perfectly logical explanation. Sanity. Or rather the lack there of. I feel my sanity slowly draining away....
I like two of my classes just fine, but for some reason I got stuck in this consumer credit class. To be fair, I did pick it out of the list and signed up to take it. If only i had know better. Well, actually it's probably a good thing too. I discovered I can't stand the teacher and I needed to switch my major in order to avoid having any future classes from her. Whew, dodged a bullet with that one! But I still have 5 more agonizing weeks of her class. Ick! The only, and I mean only, redeeming factor about her class is that we can use an 8x11 cheat sheet during the tests. that little paper has been saving my poor little brain some.
I had a quiz today in Horticulture. Then next week, I have a test on Wednesday and Thursday. Luckily the next week is Thanksgiving break. I need the holiday. (I'm just praying my hubby and I get it off of work.) But I'm positive that the Christmas break will be such a welcome relief. A few solid weeks of no school. When all I'll have to complain about is my job. :) Here's to 5 weeks and counting!

Making Dinner

Why is it so hard to choose what to have for dinner. I think it must be one of those eternal struggle of man.

What should I make for dinner? (dramatic  duh da duhhn)

But seriously. Sometimes I'll look over at my hubby and ask him what he'd like for dinner. Like most men the traditional, "I don't know." Is the favorite response. I've found a new tactic though. I tell him that he gets to make dinner every so often. It's a relief to have someone else decide for once! The problem is that we are both so indecisive. It's bothersome. :p But somehow we make it through.
There are some weeks where we eat a lot of soup, because it's easy to make and others where we have pizza because it's even easier (lazier.)