Monday, February 18, 2013


So every year for the past five years I have been going to a writing conference in Provo entitled Life The Universe & Everything or LTUE for short. Just for an idea of the awesomeness each of these conferences include, these are each year's keynote speaker(s):

2009 - Tracy Hickman
         - Laura Hickman
2010 - Brandon Sanderson
         - Marty Brenneis
         - Nathan Hale
2011 - James Dashner
         - Steve Keele
2012 - James A. Owen
2013 - Megan Whalen Turner

What I find interesting is that I hadn't noticed til my mother-in-law pointed this out, there have been multiple keynote speakers in years past. I feel jipped! Why didn't they do multiple for the pas two years? Just kidding. I bet they realized they need to wait for more blooming authors to develop so they can't use up all the ones they have now and have to spread them out a bit.

I must say that as a reader, not a writer, I enjoy going and listening to these authors talk about their craft. They make it sound so easy! I can never seem to get the words on the paper to match the imagery in my head. I'm just glad that so many other people can. I love to read!