Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It's Moving Time!

For those who don't already know, we're moving to Perry. 30 whole minutes away.

Ian and I will be transferring down to Weber State this fall, so we felt we should move closer to school and Ian's job. We're excited he has gotten a job at last! Also, Ogden seems to have better job opportunities in general. We'll have to wait and see how Weber is. We've heard that it's more medically based, so that will be good for Ian. I'm hoping to be able to finish my 2nd degree in a few semesters too. We know we have at least two years for Ian to finish his bachelor's degree then another three years at a physical therapy school somewhere. So we still have school in our life for at least the next five years.

I've got a little over one week to have my apartment packed and cleaned for the move. I hope I have enough time! Ian is going to stay with his parents for a little bit while he starts his job. It's not going to be fun to be away from him during the week. We're planning on him coming to Perry on the weekends. We have to wait for our apartment to become available. :( C'est la vie. At least it isn't as bad as our next door neighbors. The wife is going to Washington (state) for the summer and the husband is going to Virginia. I think we can handle being apart for the week days.

Goodbye April!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Beginnings and Ends

Life is full of beginnings and endings. We begin school as a timid 6 year old and graduate some time later as an adult. We begin books full of curiosity and end them with either satisfaction or frustration.  We begin life as small fragile babies and end as small fragile adults.

Today I'll be attending a funeral for a life that was truly great. I'm at peace to know that he was released from much pain and didn't have to suffer for too long. For the past couple of months Ian has been visiting every week and we've seen his health declining and knew it was coming. What's beautiful to know is near the end he said he could see the light. He is in a better place.

We love and miss you Grandfather Allred!