Sunday, June 8, 2014

Switzerland...oh please, oh please!

On Friday last I had a mission companion send this to me via my Facebook messages, "So (name omitted) is getting married on Aug 22, so we are planning on going. Well we are going to save money for the trip and two weeks before the date check to see if we save up (enough) money, what do you think, wanna come with us?? I haven't been back and it would be nice to see everyone!! I have a buddy who could give us buddy passes for about $150 I believe. I'll ask to make sure. So we will save and see if we saved enough, if you guys decide to jump on board with our plans, that would be awesome!!!!"

I was floored. I have been having dreams about being able to take my husband back to my mission, specifically to Switzerland, for the past two months. Oh please, let this be an answer to my dreams! 

Of course I said we were on board. A lot rides on those buddy passes. Though I know they won't be $150, probably closer to 1K is what I'm guessing. But even that could save us a lot of money in airfare. I was looking to see how much it would be outright. The cheapest tickets I have found are about $1600 each. Not to mention the hotel and food costs for a trip like that. It could easily be 5k total. So if we get the buddy passes, that could make the cost much easier to bear.

I've been looking at hotels and dreaming of Switzerland more now.

Friday, May 30, 2014


So we're in that season of preparation for Anime Banzai, our local annual anime convention. Right now we're trying to decide what we should go as, or more specifically, what anime do we need to watch in order to pick the cosplay costumes in time to order them. It's a tough decision.
Yeah, we've been looking at costumes and we're stuck. (We decided to do it backward and look at costumes first.) *sigh* This might take a few days.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May the 4th be with You!

My hubby and I are big Star Wars fans. (We're also big Star Trek fans, so don't even try to argue with me about them. Both are great!) This year for May the 4th, Star Wars Day, we had the opportunity to wear Star Wars clothing to church. I think we were the only people there today who did. I was surprised at the number of people who did not know that today is Star Wars Day. There were quite a few who said they were big fans, but hadn't even heard of it. :) I'm glad to share the fun.
Here's a picture of my husband's cool tie that we found on Etsy and my Star Wars Shirt I wore to church and I get to wear to work tomorrow.
On that note, I don't believe I have ever mentioned how big a Star Wars fan my boss is. Dave, my boss/company owner, is an awesome guy. He's even more awesome because he's a huge SW fan. (I'm going to abbreviate Star Wars as SW for the rest of the blog to save time.) He's named rooms in our office after SW things. Upstairs is all of the Rebel stuff, ex Jedi Academy is the name of the conference room, and downstairs is the Empire stuff, the conference room is call the Galactic Senate and a secondary meeting room is the Trash Compactor, while a small interview room is the Sith Academy. On May the 4th we get to wear jeans if we wear SW shirts. I'm so excited to wear mine!

Monday, April 7, 2014

AMV - Inspired by EA

Reading EA's post about AMVs got us thinking we'd like to do one too. We think we have a song picked out and an anime to pair it to, now we have to figure out where to start. I'll admit I'm rather overwhelmed by the project. Hopefully it goes well!
Wish me luck!

Needing a Change

Of late I've been feeling rather blah. I feel like we've been stuck in a rut for a while and I can't seem to get out of it no matter how hard I try. There is very little in my life that I feel I have control over. I think it's one reason I keep changing my hair the way I do. (btw I'm getting it cut this Wednesday so we'll see how it turns out.)

The other day I was talking my hubby about things. I think he feels much the same as I do. We've been trying to do things together to boost our morale. We've been exercising together, just a lot of walking while watching shows of Hulu, but we do feel less guilty about sitting here watching shows. We've also been playing a free mmo rpg together (Ragnarok 2 - via Steam). It can be a lot of fun. Usually I have him do all the talking with the excuse that I can run and talk at the same time. (a little gamer joke.) But it feels like we do get a little socialization that way.
This past weekend we spent two nights at my in-laws home. It was nice not being stuck in our apartment like usual. We ran errands, talked, and while the men went to Priesthood session of conference together I got to go to a yarn store with my mother-in-law. (I like craft stores, they're full of possibilities.)

On Sunday we had tickets to go to the afternoon session of Conference. It was hectic getting into the conference center. It usually isn't so bad. The session was great. Though I spent half of it trying to keep my hubby awake. We were up in the balcony and it gets really warm. On a brighter note I did run into someone from my mission. It was two members from Grenoble. They came to visit some of their mission companions and go to conference. It was good to see them, though I felt bad that I forgot one of their names. I'm surprised they actually remembered me though. I don't look much like I did on my mission after cutting and dying my hair (plus adding some weight.) But they probably use facebook and have seen some of my photos or something. It was good to see them.

Overall though, the blah feeling persists. I don't know if it's because i feel like something should be happening that isn't or what. I do know that I'm tired of it though. I want to move on already. I need a change. Or something to bring me hope of a change in the very least.

Monday, February 3, 2014

5th Time's the Charm?

So he lost his job again. *sigh* This was another stupid company reason. Back in September a dozen or so employees decided they'd work on their own personal accounts at work and believe that Google would figure it out. Right. Idiots. You can't hide something from Google. Their business is information.
Well come January Google decided to not renew their contract. (would you?) The company then offered a full-time student a job that requires 8 weekat 40hrs for training. Did they miss the fact that he's a full-time student? Seriously? Needless to say, her had to refuse the offer. 
I'm trying to put a positive spin on it and say he now has time to focus solely on school work. He's still looking for a job, but if he doesn't find one by summer he'll probably be back at his awesome summer grounds crew job that he did last year. The hours are brutal, but the pay is good.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

January Blues

Winter brings a change from the oppressing heat of summer. We also get most of our water during this season as well. (I live in a desert.) But Sometime this season gets so depressing! We get very little sunlight and it's too cold to spend much time outdoors, unless you ski or snowboard, but I don't have the knees for that anymore.
I know we need more snow. We haven't gotten nearly enough. (People in the Eastern US, send us your snow!!!) I'm ready for spring to start. I know I've still got two months or so, but sheesh! I need some natural happiness around here already!

Also, work and family events have become depressing because of people being pregnant. No one tells you how hard it is to conceive and how discouraging it is when nearly everyone around you is having babies. Not to mention that some people are extremely insensitive about prodding you, "When are you having kids?" "Are you planning on kids?" "If you wait to long..."  I might just scream at the next person who "lovingly" asks when we're planning on having kids. We're trying. It's not happened yet. Get off my case.

To those of you who have been patient and understanding, you are awesome and we love you.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

That last month flew by. But we had some excellent things happen. My hubby got a job! Christmas! And I survived all the parties we had to go to!
We played card games with my parents and their friends for New Year's eve. We also enjoyed some yummy snacks and got rid of the rest of our ham hock and bean soup. (Which everyone complemented us on. Thank you
We're not completely out of the stressfulness just yet, but things are definitely improving. It's nice to have two incomes again. It was very stressful to do it all by myself. I'll have to remember that.

We've been dreaming of a new car again. Not that there's anything wrong with our current one. (Well, besides the little odd annoyances. But what vehicle is without those?) We were looking at the Chevy Cruze.
But then we were looking at the Spark and liked it too.

I guess it really depends on how much leg room there is in it. It says front leg room is 42 inches. It's a 4-door and the back seats fold down to give more cargo room. And we'd probably do the lime green. :)

Not that we're planning on getting a car anytime soon. We're just dreaming.