Friday, April 30, 2010

Done with April

So April was definitely a crazy car month. After almost dying on April Fools day, then losing a windshield wiper while driving in a rain storm. Last Friday just made things even better!

So, we're driving down to Price to go hiking at 9-Mile Canyon. We get to about Lehi when suddenly BAM! The window I'm sitting next to is gone. It was the strangest thing I've ever seen! I was looking out of it at the time. There one second and gone the next. There wasn't even that much glass in the van either. Luckily all I have to show for it is a couple small cuts on my right arm.

We stopped at a car wash and vacuumed up the little amount of glass actually in the car. Then we found a cardboard box and used duct tape to fill in the gap. It worked rather well.
(according to the repairman- air pressure probably forced the window outwards. strange huh?)

Sunday, April 11, 2010


So, what should I do now? I fell that teaching Elementary isn't right for me. I can do it. I just don't feel like it fits me. Should I go after a librarian certificate? Teach choir, history, something like that? Ugh! I just don't know what to do!

I love learning, is there a profession where I can continue to do that? :)

I just feel like I've been backed into a corner of sorts. I know I don't want to stay in this corner, I don't feel comfortable here. I need to find a place that suits me. What can I spend the rest of my life doing, and it will keep me happy? (obvious answer, reading!)

...Any suggestions? Seriously. My mom and a few others have told me to just teach for a little while anyway. But I don't want to teach elementary. They're cute kids and all, i just don't like where education is headed right now, with merit pay, lack of funding, etc. *sigh* I just don't know!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

No joke, really.

So I could have died today on my way to work today. It was scary! I was driving down 215 toward the 201 and had just passed the I-80 interchange when the road started getting wet. Not my favorite driving conditions because of the spray, but still doable. Suddenly (around California Ave) there is snow on the road instead of just wetness. Then there is a completely stopped SUV in front of me about 1000 feet away. I hit the breaks, only to start sliding! I keep tapping them like a mad woman saying, "No, nononononnonono!" I fishtail just before hitting the other vehicle (because I was trying like mad to get into the empty lane next to me but couldn't because of the slide i was in.) Just then they must have noticed me barreling their way and thankfully pulled forward two or three feet. I stopped with an inch or two to spare. I glance in my rear view mirror to see two semis pull quickly off to the right to avoid slamming into the smaller cars (including myself) just in front of them. There were already people who had been in bad accidents and police were there with lights flashing. I immediately thanked the Lord that I was still alive! It was truly a miracle for me.
Needless to say, my heart was beating like a humming bird's and my hands were shaking for the next ten minutes. I must have looked stressed still when i arrived at work. Two ladies that sit by asked me what was wrong and one gave me hug after hearing my ordeal.
Mother Nature played a nasty April fools joke on me.