Friday, May 30, 2014


So we're in that season of preparation for Anime Banzai, our local annual anime convention. Right now we're trying to decide what we should go as, or more specifically, what anime do we need to watch in order to pick the cosplay costumes in time to order them. It's a tough decision.
Yeah, we've been looking at costumes and we're stuck. (We decided to do it backward and look at costumes first.) *sigh* This might take a few days.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May the 4th be with You!

My hubby and I are big Star Wars fans. (We're also big Star Trek fans, so don't even try to argue with me about them. Both are great!) This year for May the 4th, Star Wars Day, we had the opportunity to wear Star Wars clothing to church. I think we were the only people there today who did. I was surprised at the number of people who did not know that today is Star Wars Day. There were quite a few who said they were big fans, but hadn't even heard of it. :) I'm glad to share the fun.
Here's a picture of my husband's cool tie that we found on Etsy and my Star Wars Shirt I wore to church and I get to wear to work tomorrow.
On that note, I don't believe I have ever mentioned how big a Star Wars fan my boss is. Dave, my boss/company owner, is an awesome guy. He's even more awesome because he's a huge SW fan. (I'm going to abbreviate Star Wars as SW for the rest of the blog to save time.) He's named rooms in our office after SW things. Upstairs is all of the Rebel stuff, ex Jedi Academy is the name of the conference room, and downstairs is the Empire stuff, the conference room is call the Galactic Senate and a secondary meeting room is the Trash Compactor, while a small interview room is the Sith Academy. On May the 4th we get to wear jeans if we wear SW shirts. I'm so excited to wear mine!