Sunday, July 29, 2012


So I dyed my hair 2 weeks ago and guess what? I can already see a quarter inch of my blonde hair growing in. Sheesh. It grows fast! I'm glad this is only semi permanent hair dye. I'm expecting it to fade, so it doesn't bug me too much. I can only imagine what someone who paid $50-$60 would feel. Never planning on going that route. :)

I've got a picture of my hair, I just need to post it online. I'll make sure to get a pic of my hair growing in blonde as well. Don't worry, this isn't going to turn into a hair blog. I'm not that brave!
Though I could rant about old ladies saying mean things about my hair, but I won't. ;p

This week has been going well. My hubby and I both applied for several jobs. (He actually applied for a few more than I did.) We keep praying that we'll both find something soon. I found out that a lady I visit teach has also been looking for a job for the same amount of time as my hubby and still hasn't found anything either. It made him feel a bit better knowing that it wasn't just him. Though it didn't stop his grandmother of accusing him of not wanting to find a job. Ouch, yeah I'll admit I was really mad about that. Granted, I'm the one who has seen him filling out applications each week and crying because he so frustrated that he hasn't found anything yet. It's not easy to see your hubby cry.

On a lighter note, we got to go see family yesterday. :D It was a lot of fun to see my in laws and their kids and two grandkids. We also dropped by my parent's house and visited them for a while. Then we came home and watched the Fellowship of the Ring til 2:40am. (I forgot it was that long with the extended version! Oops.) Good thing we have afternoon church! Though that changes next week and I'm so HAPPY!

2 weeks til my 1st anniversary! It doesn't feel like it's been a whole year. :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Dying our Hair

I have red hair and I used to have blonde. Yup.
It's not natural red, which is really more a shade of orange. No. It's RED. Like the crayon color. My mom called it scarlet. The company we bought it from, Manic Panic, calls it Infrared. We like it alot. (Ian has the same color.)
I also bought a dark purple, which has a cool blue tint to it, and we got Ian a dark forest green too. :) It's just a bit of fun. That and we can see how it works out before Anime Bonzai! (Now we just have to figure out which characters to be for the con...we have no idea!)
I might post a picture, might not. I haven't decided.

Hating My Job

I work at a call center in my little college town. Truthfully, the job isn't terrible. But there are certain aspects which have been annoying me. This annoyance has only been increasing. Being a  member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) I firmly believe that in order to keep the Sabbath holy, one should avoid working (for a wage. Of course this does not include charitable works. How better to worship the Lord than through service, right?)
Anyway, my job has only given me one Sunday off in the past two months! I'm tired of not being able to go to my own church/ward. It's annoying and people start wondering if you've become inactive. That and my hubby misses going with me. And I likewise miss going with him.
Another annoyance is their sales policy. When I was hired their policy was that we offer billing help and tech support. If we happened to get sales, great for us we get a bonus on our check! Then it changed to an attitude of, 'They can get 40 sales in a month, why can't you.' And now we have a minimum number of sales per month that we're allowed to scrape by with. I an no sales person. If someone wants something, then I can definitely help them add it to their account, but I don't feel that t.v., home phone, and internet are needs. They are wants. Expensive wants at that.  I also don't feel like I can sell something to a person with crappy service. "I know your services haven't been working for a week, but why not add a home telephone line for just $19.99 a month!" Nope. Can't do it.
Today I got a verbal warning because I'm not selling enough. Yup. I'm in trouble because I don't offer crappy service to people. (Especially in Texas.)  My boss is an awesome person and I know she is only doing her job, but she politely pointed out that I have one month to get four sales before getting a written warning, then who knows how long after that before I'm termed. Yippee skippy. I've never done badly at a job. Never. This is a first. A new low for Jessica.
Not only am I stressed about helping my hubby find a job after the same call center fired him four months ago, but now I have to worry about losing my job too. 
I didn't tell my boss that I'm putting in applications elsewhere. I actually think they prefer people quit on the day they plan on leaving. Then they can avoid people with bad attitudes messing with their systems and what have you. *sigh* 
Pray I'll find something better!