Thursday, August 9, 2012

My Red Hair

So that's what it looked like right after dying it. It was a very red. It was funny trying to explain it to my mom on the phone. I finally had to say, "It's not red as in the natural hair color, which is really more of an orange. It's red like the crayon."
No one has really disliked it apart from one family member. And it has been a lot of fun to have some color. Do i plan on keeping it this color? No. In fact my hair has already started growing out and i have about half an inch of blonde roots. It's not fading nearly fast enough! It's supposed to last 4-6 weeks. But I guess it does depend on the hair that is dyed as well as how often the hair gets washed. *sigh*
I am planning on dying my hair purple in October for Anime Banzai/Halloween. So I'll probably post that too. Just for kicks and giggles. ;)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Why I hate my job right now, and why I'll be quitting reason #2.

I'm posting my schedule for the past two months as well as what I have been scheduled to work so far for this month. You should be able to see exactly why I'm planning on quitting.


 Yup, only one Sunday and Saturday were scheduled off. In three months! That's ridiculous. When I spoke to my team leader, she sent to to talk to the site scheduler. He basically said he was sorry, but the schedules are put together by someone in Florida and he has no control over them. BS!
It's more like they don't care.
When I first started working there the policy was that if you don't want to work Sundays, you can get a schedule where you only have to work maybe one a month. What a lie! Their actual policy is that the top performers (sales) get to have free pick for whatever schedule they want and the rest of us get the left overs. I'm tired of it!
When I quit, I'm bringing a print out of this with me so I can show them why I'm quitting.