Monday, May 25, 2009

Starting out backwards...

I'm just starting out. True, but I'm not going to tell anyone about this blog till I have a few days down at least! Then I'll feel I have actually accomplished something. :D

So, where to start?

I moved to SLC to live with my grandmother during my student teaching this coming fall. So far things have been a little bumpy.
First speed bump is my grandmother. I love her. I really do. But, like most old people, she is very much set in her ways. She's a red personality and I'm a mix of blue and white. So sometimes we really clash...Though not too often. (She's only made me cry once so far.)
Second is my job situation. (I know I'm not the only one with this problem.) I've been searching for a job for the past month to no avail. I do have a glimmer of hope on the horizon though. I had an interview last Friday and they asked me to come in for a second interview on Wednesday. That's a good sign right? The main hardship about this is not having an income. I'm not used to being completely broke. I've always had a little spending cash on hand, but now I can barely afford gas for my car.
Third bump is moving to a new ward. (LDS translation for congregation if you were wondering.) I'm not very good at transitioning from one ward to another. I always feel so out of place. I feel bad for my best friend Nicole. I decided to go to her ward so I'd know someone. But I feel like I'm always following her around, clinging. I really wish I could just get over it already. But transitions are tough.
Fourth I really miss my friends from Logan. I kinda feel like I've abandoned them. My other best friend Emily just had surgery and I haven't been able to go visit. I feel like a horrible friend. :(
Fifth and, so far, last bump is my social life. It really takes time to develop a social circle when you live somewhere. I feel like I just got comfortable with my last social circle and now I have to start over completely! *sigh* I had 3 people in the last 3 days ask me about my "social life." What social life?! I don't have a job, so I don't have $ for gas, thus I cannot really go anywhere, it's all just one big vicious cycle! Grrrr!

Oh well, c'est la vie n'est pas? - did I mention I speak french? (I'm LDS and I served a mission to France and Switzerland. Enough said.)

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