Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Everything Is Set, at a Price of course!

I got an apartment today! It's even the one i wanted. Which I find surprising because it's the week before school is starting. That and it's only 250/month for a private room with WIFI included. Not bad at all! and it's just a block away from campus.
Last week I got to go in a "family" vacation to San Diego. I actually came back with a tan! (surprising no?) We had a blast and it was great getting to know my best friend's little brother. (he just got home from serving a 2 year LDS mission to Toronto, Canada.
We went to Sea World, the Wild Animal Park, the San Diego Zoo and the beach. (As well as a few other spots.) It was fun to go everywhere and take a ton of pictures! I'll add the pics as soon as I upload them! :)
 My best pic of a sting ray.

 Sea World! The killer whales were great!

This is the USS Midway. 

 Pretty sunsets on the coast! It was so nice!

 Everyone just strolling around the San Diego Zoo

 Koalas! This little guy to the left was really moving around, weird for a koala.

Well, back to reality. It's been a hectic and costly month! I paid off my car $625, then paid for an extra 1 credit class $305, then had to fix some valve and get an oil change $230. Today I realized that I need to register my car before the end of the month, $70ish. I also paid rent for Sept already, $300 (with deposit). Not to mention my text books that I had to order this week as well, a record low of $83.
Add it all up......drum roll......comes to a grand total of $1613(ish.) And that was all in this one month! eek! I really detest money!

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