Monday, May 16, 2011

Proud Reader

Quite a few people in my life are amazing, yes really, amazing writers. I'm not one of them. Well, I can get my blah blah blah boring thoughts out, but nothing creative. At least, not in the way it is in my mind. I've found that my mind deals with images more than words. I can dream up amazingly beautiful worlds and people, but for some reason, I can't get it down on paper. I've tried, but it just doesn't work.
But I am good at reading. I don't think about it too often, but i get reminded occasionally. Most recently, my fiance noticed I finished a book and then had the next one done in a day. He said, "I couldn't do that." I just smiled. I must admit, I am a bookworm at times. Devouring book after book is one of my favorite pastimes. I usually carry a book with me to school and work in addition to having them around my apartment. I guess I just don't like down time without anything to do.
Also, what would writers do without readers like me? I guess we all have our purposes in life. Mine is to read what is written. And once in a while, I still jot some little thing down. :)

To all the writers in my life, keep writing. I love reading your words.

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