Saturday, January 12, 2013

Working Out

So Ian and I have started an exercise regime. He has Dynamic fitness lab (a PE class) 3 days/week and then he exercises with me the other two days of the week. And I exercise by myself the days he has class.
We figured that we pay student fees in order to have access to the field house, we might as well use it. So we started this week. We bought access to lockers (another incentive to actually go work out.) I went Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. I figure my muscles need a day to rebuild so Wednesday and Saturday are my days off. (and Sunday of course.) It's been nice so far.
I used to hate going to the gym to work out. I felt super self-conscious because I'm usually the only significantly overweight person there. It's hard not to think that people are judging you, hypocritically, for being there. But No one has been rude or given me bad looks or anything. I also decided that everyone else there is probably feeling insecure too. So I just go and do my own thing and ignore everyone else. It's been nice actually. I feel pretty good. :)
I hope that this continues to motivate me to go. I need it. I'm tired of being at such an unhealthy weight and my husband is too. We're getting healthy together.