Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Nothing Much Happening Except...

Apologies for the neglect of my blog. A lot has happened. So to follow up on my last post, no we did not end up going to Switzerland. (I wish we had.) Instead we ended up going to China. It was a misadventure of sorts. We learned a lot by doing it, first an foremost was that we shouldn't travel to countries where we don't speak the language. My cousin lives outside of Hong Kong so we decided to go visit him. He talked us into flying into Shanghai and taking a train down to where he lived. That was our big mistake. We should have gone directly to Hong Kong and spent time with him then came home. We did see a lot and had some yummy food, but the trip was so stressful. Not a pleasant vacation. If I ever go back it will be with a tour group.

So, since then, my husband has changed his major twice. We've moved back up to Cache valley for one of those. Though we will be moving down to the Salt Lake area next summer for sure because his current field of study has a very limited selection of online courses. We have enough for the spring semester but we will need to be down there for the rest. I really hope he sticks with this one!

My nephew moved in with us at the end of November 2014. He was 11 then. It has been a rocky road of emotions and fights and stress. It has been difficult to go from no kids at all to a preteen to now a teenager. Teens are not fun. So dramatic. Ugh. We have good days every now and then, but the majority are hard. So far we plan to keep him. But it's really up to him.
As for me. Nothing really big up until this past few months. We were trying to get pregnant. So we were seeing an OBGYN and doing fertility treatments. (I have PCOS.) My doctor wanted to do a hysteroscopy because he noticed the lining of my uterus was a little thicker than normal and he wanted to check to make sure everything was okay. He removed two polyps. About a week later I get a phone call at work. He was very somber, apologetic. I was slightly confused as to why he would be until he said it, "I'm so sorry, but we found cancer." Then he rushed through what was going on, or at least it felt rushed. I was in shock. I was at work. I couldn't cry at work. So I went upstairs and found my husband (who luckily got a job at my work in a different department.) I pulled him into the elevator, the only place I knew we could be alone because it's rarely used, and told him. I bawled then and he held me.
A miracle happened for me that day. I forgot to order my lunch before 9 (because of the phone call) so my hubby went over and got me a crepe from The Crepery. While in line my mom walked in. He said hi and then brought me my lunch. When I found out my mom was there I called her asking her to please come see me. She came and I bawled some more as I told her. She held me too and let me cry. I don't think my mo has been that affectionate since I left for my mission, or maybe at my wedding. But I needed my mom and the Lord knew I needed her and put her there for me.
That was back at the end of August. We were referred to a cancer clinic in Salt Lake. Our only options were hysterectomy and hormone treatment. Of course we leaned to hormone treatments right off the bat. But then we were stopped cold by learning that the hormones used were the same ones I had taken as birth control the first year of my marriage. The same ones I gained 50 lbs in one year with. Only this time the dosage would be stronger. This time there would only be a 15% chance that the cancer would go away. In the mean time I would be ruining my body with massive weight gain. So after many long talks and prayer we decided to opt for the hysterectomy. Because, even though I would not be able to carry my own children in the womb, We could always adopt.
Now I am sitting at home after surgery, recovering. It's been two weeks. The first week was the worst. I felt like crap. The pain meds don't agree with me so I ended up not taking them for long and switching to acetaminophen (aka Tylenol.) I'm tired now. But no longer in pain. I get to go back to work part time starting next Wednesday and even though it's stressful, I look forward to it because you can only play puzzle games, watch Netflix, and read for so many days before becoming bored with it all.

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