Thursday, July 2, 2009


So as if the title weren't a big enough tip, I got glasses. Yup, my first pair. They're actually kinda cute too.
I first noticed my eye sight was a little off a few years ago in college. (before I went on a mission.) I noticed that i'd look down to write notes and then when I'd glance back at the board to confirm what i'd written, everything would be fuzzy. Well, it's been a few years and nothing has improved. Now, when I lead the music in sacrament meeting, I can't look down at the music without having the entire congregation becoming blurred. (which I guess would be a good thing if I was afraid to be in front of everyone.
So I decided to go visit an optometrist and find out what in the world was going on with my eyes. Actually, I don't have too much wrong. According to him, "Your left eye is a perfectly healthy eye, and the right one is just not perfect enough to start bugging you." That's good I guess. So my glasses actually only have one lense with a perscription. the other is just a piece of glass.
It will take me some time to get used to them. Truthfully the doctor said I don't have to wear them all the time, but recommended them for night driving. And I've found they are nice to have at movies too. The movie isn't blurry anymore!

(I think that my life is fairly boring if my exciting news for the week is getting glasses. *sigh* oh well!)

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