Monday, November 7, 2011

5 Weeks til Finals! Is That a Good Thing?

Okay, so I'm guilty of counting down til the end of the semester. I have a perfectly logical explanation. Sanity. Or rather the lack there of. I feel my sanity slowly draining away....
I like two of my classes just fine, but for some reason I got stuck in this consumer credit class. To be fair, I did pick it out of the list and signed up to take it. If only i had know better. Well, actually it's probably a good thing too. I discovered I can't stand the teacher and I needed to switch my major in order to avoid having any future classes from her. Whew, dodged a bullet with that one! But I still have 5 more agonizing weeks of her class. Ick! The only, and I mean only, redeeming factor about her class is that we can use an 8x11 cheat sheet during the tests. that little paper has been saving my poor little brain some.
I had a quiz today in Horticulture. Then next week, I have a test on Wednesday and Thursday. Luckily the next week is Thanksgiving break. I need the holiday. (I'm just praying my hubby and I get it off of work.) But I'm positive that the Christmas break will be such a welcome relief. A few solid weeks of no school. When all I'll have to complain about is my job. :) Here's to 5 weeks and counting!

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