Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rant about work...sorry.

So, I work in the billing and video troubleshooting dept for Comcast. Today I had some really awesome people call in. So here's the skinny. If one channel, and only one channel, goes out then it is NOT Comcast's fault. It's the network provider who is having the issue.
Tonight there was some stupid football game in the Seattle area and the high definition channel went out in the 4th quarter. Yeah, I understand, it's the most tense part of the game. But the standard definition channel was working just fine. We had way too many people call in and yell at us because they couldn't watch it in their precious hd. Well guess what mister, it just goes to show how pointless your life is if a stupid football game gives you just cause to yell at someone else. It's just a game! Get over it! Watch it on SD! It won't kill you.
Why do we let these jar-heads make fun of us for being "obsessive" over a good book every now and then? We don't call people up and yell at them if the author does something to a character that we don't like. Hello, pointless.
Okak, I'm done now.

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