Monday, November 7, 2011

Making Dinner

Why is it so hard to choose what to have for dinner. I think it must be one of those eternal struggle of man.

What should I make for dinner? (dramatic  duh da duhhn)

But seriously. Sometimes I'll look over at my hubby and ask him what he'd like for dinner. Like most men the traditional, "I don't know." Is the favorite response. I've found a new tactic though. I tell him that he gets to make dinner every so often. It's a relief to have someone else decide for once! The problem is that we are both so indecisive. It's bothersome. :p But somehow we make it through.
There are some weeks where we eat a lot of soup, because it's easy to make and others where we have pizza because it's even easier (lazier.)

1 comment:

Justin and Melissa said...

We have the same problem at our house! :-/