Thursday, March 1, 2012

Birthday Woes

Just kidding, I had a great birthday. I went down to my parent's for breakfast. My dad made dutch oven, mmmm. It was greasy and gooooood. Then we ran down to Marie Calendar's to get my Boston Cream Pie!! We made our way back home in time to have my sister-in-law/bff come visit! (Complete coincidence! But a great present none the less!) After wasting the afternoon doing absolutely nothing, we went to the Olive Garden for dinner. Like I said, awesome.
(Granted I did get food poisoning that night, but that happened on Sunday, not my birthday.)
My wonderful hubby got me a Tardis cookie jar, which we're using to store his sonic screw drivers, and a poster of the painting done by "Vincent Van Gogh" of the Tardis exploding. (this one is cool for another reason, it came all the way from Birmingham, UK!!!)

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